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Friday, August 27, 2010

“PRE-Draft Consultation: Newport Local Area Plan”

To whom it may concern,

I would like to make the following points in relation to the Local Area Plan for Newport

  1. Provide Designated Parking Bays in areas that would best suit disabled drivers/passengers and appropriate signs and correct identification
  2. Provide appropriate crossings with dished kerbs marked with tactile paving
  3. Ensure that the wheelchair ramp on Main Street complies with Part M of the Building Regulations
  4. Provide wheelchair access on the viaduct bridge
  5. Extend footpath from the National School to local GAA Pitch
  6. Improve general quality of footpaths, remove cobbled crossings in Seaview Pk area and provide appropriate widths for wheelchair users and buggies
  7. Ensure stricter parking regulations are in place on Main Street

All works should be designed in accordance with BS 8300:2001 ‘Code of Practice – Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people’.

I would also like to ask that the following principles be adhered to in drawing up this plan.

The Principle of Consultation means that no disability works, programmes or debates take place without consulting with the disabled. It is the principle of nothing about us, without us. The Disabled know our needs more so than any other individual.

The Principle of Equality recognises that people with a disability are citizens who have the right to be respected and the right to have equal opportunities to participate in the social, economic, cultural, political and spiritual life of society.

As citizens, people with a disability also have equal responsibilities towards Victorian society and should be supported to exercise these.

The Principle of Dignity and Self-Determination (Choice) is about respecting and valuing the knowledge, abilities and experiences that people with a disability possess, supporting them to make choices about their lives, and enabling each person to live the life they want to live.

The Principle of Diversity is about recognising and valuing individual difference. Inclusive societies are strengthened by the diversity of their populations and by the contribution that each person makes to the social, economic, cultural, political and spiritual life of society.

The Principle of Non-Discrimination implies that all people have the right to live their lives free from discrimination. This means that society must set right all forms of discrimination – including both active and passive forms of discrimination, and unfair and outdated standards, laws, policies and practices.


Thomas Chambers

Access Campaigner

“The Billy Ranch”



Co. Mayo

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