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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Re: SOS Phones on M5

On the 15th June 2007, I traveled all the was on the M4 to Dublin and returned the next day.I had a look at each S.O.S. signal and found some located inside the crash barriers.None of them were wheelchair accessible. OK there were a few flags in the form of a path to suit the able-bodied.Even if I were to pull up beside the S.O.S. services the width of the hard shoulder would not allow me to transfer from my car to wheelchair as it would be projecting onto the inside laneand this is with a small car.My life would be in danger.I have a free pass for the toll bridge and I I find it is totally Universal inaccessible.Okay, there is a sign way up in the air as I approach the various signs telling all drivers were to go.Signs should be approximately 2200mm from ground lever.AS one inters the lane that is occupied by an attendant by the time one approaches the attendant has moved our of the pay station so one has to reverse out into another lane.Proper signs located in the proper locations would make more since.I would love to meet and point out things to whoever is making such decisions so that they will benefit all.Regards,Tom.

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