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Monday, August 19, 2013


Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 9:12 PM
Patients' Forum Meeting
Date: 3rd April 2013
Time: 5.30 p.m.
Venue: Day Room (Library end)
Committee Members Present:
Brian Kerr (BK); Joan Carthy (JC); Olivia Doherty (OD);
Seamus Ryan (SR); Audrey Donnelly (AD)
In Attendance: Stuart McKeever (SMcK) Therapeutic Recreational Specialist;
Joe McCarthy (JMcC) IAF Representative (Citizens Information);
Tom Chambers (TC) Accessibility Officer and his PA;
Twelve Patients (from POLAR & BI programmes)
Apologies: Jim O'Reilly (JO'R); Angela Browne (AB)
Meeting Chaired by: Brian Kerr (BK)
Minutes taken by: Audrey Donnelly (AD)
1. Patients Feedback/general discussion
Patients introduced themselves and provided feedback as follows:
a) Positive Feedback
o Mixed feelings about discharge as there are recognised issues ahead
o Overall NRH experience very positive
o Learned a lot about people with disabilities while in NRH
b) Issues raised
o Opening time of the Patients' canteen was understood to be 8.45 a.m. However, sometimes at that time there is a 10 minute wait before it opens.
ACTION: To be followed up with Catering Manager – AD
o TC stated that the toilet at the Sports Hall was totally unsuitable for wheelchair users – could it be converted into a suitable Wheelchair toilet
ACTION: To be followed up with Accessibility Committee/TSD Manager – AD
o SMcK provided feedback from patients who noted that the toilet at the Hydrotherapy Pool has no grab bars and the ramp needs attention in terms of signage (similar to the ramp at St. Margaret's Ward)
ACTION: To be followed up with Accessibility Committee/TSD Manager – AD 2
o The bins in the Occupational Therapy Corridor require attention – one of them does not work
o TC enquired if similar bins to those located on wards would be put in place throughout the hospital
ACTION: To be followed up with Hygiene/IPC – AD
o OD provided feedback from Paediatric Parents who expressed a wish that there would be accommodation within the hospital building for parents during the night. Although parents can currently stay in the villa if their child is in a ward, they are potentially 'locked out' when the main hospital building doors close in the evenings and they would like to be nearer in order to check on their children during the night.
ACTION: to be brought to Health Planning Team (reference wish list for new hospital panning) – AD
o SR spoke about Mary Fitzgerald's 'Next Steps' programme and discussion ensured around the subject of Single Occupancy units planned for the new hospital which continue to cause concern among patients and staff alike; assurance was given that all such issues would be considered at the planning stage to ensure a workable solution for all concerned
o TC suggested a full commission on new building before it opens in order to address all accessibility issues
ACTION: to be brought to attention of Health Planning Team – AD
o A patient from St. Camillus Ward stated that he was not permitted to keep his DVD player with him and it was sent home and queried was this because he was in an open ward. Another patient said she used hers with earphones and there is no issue about that.
ACTION: consult with Nursing on reason for this and revert to ward with feedback - AD
o A POLAR patient who had been sent out to SVUH for MRI scanning was anxious to know what was happening next as he is currently unable to wear his prosthetic leg due to fluid build up
ACTION: to be followed up with POLAR programme - AD
o Issue raised re: OT garden and bedding/planting of vegetables on the slope – issue for wheelchair users
ACTION: Follow up with Occupational Therapy Department – AD 3
2. Accessibility Talk:
TC spoke to patients present about Accessibility issues as follows:
o Advised people to get involved in matters that effect themselves and to bring out accessibility issues by joining committees, etc. in their own localities
 For those about to leave NRH the following are essential to aftercare -
o a good GP
o a good pharmacy
 TC indicated that although he was given go ahead by HSE to carry out audits on all Health Centres in Mayo (his home county), no funding had been provided
 Issues encountered with County Councils blocking the creation of ramps even if agreed on by HSE
o Airlines:
When travelling by air always pre-book their seats, giving 48 hour's notice
Use the long-term car park
Help Point at airport to check in
Ensure wheelchair labelled with User's ID as person is transferred into airline chair in airport until they land
Book priority boarding
Wheelchair users placed in window seats for evacuation purposed in the event of an emergency, where ambulant passengers evacuate first and assisted passengers next for quick evacuation
If a baclofen pump is used this needs to be declared to the airline in advance
Requirement for passport to be in date for 6 months post travel –as other countries do not want liability if a passenger becomes ill during their stay
Bring an E111 Form
Put all essential items in hand luggage. However, TC has encountered issues with restrictions on carry-on luggage with some airlines
Delta Airlines – have wheelchair accessible toilets
Some airlines do not accept use of older wheelchairs which have 'wet-cell' batteries
o Other modes of transport:
Ships are more accessible for wheelchair users
Availability of wheelchair taxis can be difficult
Check if entitlement to free travel pass for trains/buses for themselves and companion traveller
Irish buses have limited access (2 only) for wheelchair users and are front access whereas other countries have middle access
o Hotels:
Some hotels not suitable to people who require a hoist transfer in/out of bed – this should be checked in advance of booking
 TC concluded by indicating that his email address could be provided to anyone who had queries or access issues they needed clarification on
3. Action List (from previous meeting) update:
All issues from previous meeting referred to relevant departments for follow up / resolved or in progress
4. AOB
AD reported that one of the Day Room laptops had been removed as it had been damaged
ACTION: Request for ICT to replace with another laptop secure to worktop – AD
5. Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed
6. Next Meeting Wednesday 1st May 2013, 5.30 p.m., Day Room

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