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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Newport man took part in Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2011

Newport man took part in Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2011

In September of this year, a delegation of the disabled arrived in Strasbourg at the heart of the EU to lobby MEPs for increased direct funding of the disabled throughout the EU. The trip was organised as the "Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2011" with the cooperation of the Strasbourg Centre for Independent living with the support of university and was seen as an opportunity to empower people with disabilities from all over the European Union states.

Disability campaigner Tom Chambers from Newport was among those who travelled out to meet the MEPs. A Total of twenty six Irish ‘Freedom Drivers’ and their PAs attended the rally, which included a March through the streets of Strasbourg to Parliament. Numbers were down on previous years due to funding being cut, with delegates now having to fund the trip themselves. Mr Chambers said that “a very emotional day for him and his PA Kathy Kilbane” was when the delegation marched to the EU parliament they were both dressed out in the Red and Green of Mayo flying the red and green flags as well, where a petition was handed in. The march from the centre of Strasbourg to the European Parliament is the central event of every Freedom Drive. This year, the route of the march was extended and started at Place de la Republique. From there, Freedom Drivers made their way to the Parliament carrying banners and shouting slogans, calling for the right to Personal Assistance, the end of institutionalisation and inclusion of disabled people in all matters which concern them. Along the route, many Freedom Drivers gave interviews to local and international journalists.

Tom is well known throughout Mayo and further afield as a dedicated campaigner for the rights of those with disabilities and for the provision of disability accessible facilities and buildings. Newport man Mr Chambers, the only Mayo representative in the Irish delegation, met with MEPs, including Jim Higgins, Marian Harkin and Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher, where issues such as cuts to the Personal Assistants (PA) Service and the failure of Ireland to sign up to the protocol of the convention on human rights for people with disabilities were raised.

MEPs were told of concern about the fact that a lot of people are losing their home help and PA services, said Mr Chambers. With Institutional Care the only other option in most cases, Mr Chambers blasted this as ‘worse’ than being in jail, where everything is decided for you.

He emphasised the importance of PA’s, who allow their clients live full, independent lives, having built up a mutual relationship of trust and friendship. Mr Chambers said despite cuts to services ‘we have to have a bit of Hope and Faith, though he admitted he would like to see politicians doing a bit more. For example, Ireland was one of the first countries to sign up to the convention on human rights for people with disabilities in early 2007. However four years on we still have not signed up to the protocol, though the Government he said, has recently stated the necessary requirements under the convention will be met and signed up to by Christmas.

Freya Haralsdottir, a young Freedom Drive participant from Iceland best summarised the purpose of the Freedom Drive in her speech at the European Parliament:

ENIL´s demands are clear. We are European citizens that find it a matter of fact to be equal, included and celebrated. Yesterday, in the Freedom Drive, somebody said that we are not here to be beautiful. We are here because we are discriminated against – even by law. We are here because we are violated by the structure of societies that find it natural and mundane to violate our human rights. We are here because we are looked at as objects of welfare, care and charity. We are here because we are told that our existence is too expensive. We are here because the hard work of disabled activists that have worked for years to change this structure, our role models, is now in danger because money was spent irrationally by certain individuals, for example the bankers of Iceland.

Plans are already in place for the next freedom drive in September 2013; this will be the 10th Anniversary of this important and unique lobbying event. In addition to the March through Strasbourg, a permanent information stand will be organised in front of the Parliament and a public event/performance will be staged in the city centre. Numbers were down on previous years due to funding being cut, with delegates now having to fund the trip themselves.

I will like to make an appeal to all Centres for Independent Groups especially Mayo CIL to try and get as much people with disabilities to attend the next Freedom Drive which is the 10th Anniversary.

I worked like to thank Jim Higgins MEP and his secretary for organising a room for the MEPs to meet with Irish Freedom Drivers. A special appreciation should be given to the Northern Ireland MEP Bairbre De Brun, who attended all the four meetings.

Finally I would like to thank my sponsors because this could not be done without their help and my Personal Assistant Kathy Kilbane who accompanied me.

Sincerely Yours

Tom Chambers

Access Campaigner


Co Mayo

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