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Friday, August 19, 2011

day out with my service user Thomas Chambers

A day out with my service user Thomas Chambers to the Westport Music Festival 5th August 2011.
My name is Becky, a personal assistant with the Irish Wheelchair association. I work twenty hours with Tom Chambers, a Mayo man. Tom is an independent access campaigner able to do things by himself but more interested in making life more independent for other people that cannot do things on their own. He believes there should be accessibility for all.
We went out on the 5th August Friday night to the music festival in Westport. We arrived early at the festival, Dick Burke the organiser and the committee welcomed us then we went to one of the shops, and was chatting with people we went there while having some refreshments that were all hoping the festival would be lovely. The Lord Mayor shook Tom welcoming him to the festival.
We arrived at the festival early enough to check if the venue was made accessible for all. Checking the portloo toilet, Tom pointed out that the kerb was high to someone on the wheelchair to gain access to the toilet. The festival committee got a carpenter and attached two planks to the kerbs to help people get to the toilet easily.
Tom pointed out that the barrier placed behind the chairs for people with disabilities was too close making the space limited for mobility. A member of the festival committee moved the barrier a little further and there was more room for movement for people that used the space.
The festival started off well with the Lord Mayor of Westport declaring it open and the musicians well great. I particularly enjoyed the songs Michelle Lally sang and loved the Sweet sixteen most. The bluegrass band did very and a group from England; I reckon that the crowd enjoyed the music played by Frank Garvin and De Danann.
During the festival, while Tom was enjoying the music I went to get some pints of larger for him and he also had some cups of tea. We got some German hot dogs to pass away the time while we enjoyed the music.
I am indeed glad I went to the festival, I really had a nice time and the memory still lingers in me. It was a good time and thanks to God the weather was fine. I look forward to the next festival and really hope that there were enough donations to keep the festival up and running, free of charge.
We left the venue late and Tom was worried if I was going to be able to drive home safely in the dark, I told him I will be fine and will let him know when am home. When I got home, I sent him a text to let him know I was home safe and sound, then he replied he was happy and can go to bed now.
Tom went to the festival on Sunday but I don’t think he enjoyed lit as much as Friday night and I guess he must have missed my company.

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