----- Original Message -----
From: Iompar Mhaigh Eo
To: Iompar Mhaigh Eo
Cc: ability@iol.ie ; aconnor@mayococo.ie ; adarehouse@eircom.net ; aislingwheeler@care2.com ; almutdavies@gmail.com ; amoore@mayococo.ie ; andy@sustainability.ie ; cait@buan.ie ; carolynclairem@yahoo.com ; chamber@castlebar.ie ; conceptjohn@yahoo.com ; david@buan.ie ; dturnbull@mayococo.ie ; ederiko@eircom.net ; egannon@eeu.antaisce.org ; ehackett@eircom.net ; fidelmalyons@gmail.com ; flynn_peter@allergan.com ; fmcallister@eircom.ie ; gerard.deere@oireachtas.ie ; info@barrymurphydesign.com ; info@marreybikes.com ; info@westportireland.com ; jmagee@mayococo.ie ; john1mchale@gmail.com ; karenmcrossan@gmail.com ; lauraheneghan@gmail.com ; lavelle5@eircom.net ; martincovey@gmail.com ; mccartys1@eircom.net ; meetjeswellengrebel@gmail.com ; merovee2@eircom.net ; michael@michaelmclaughlinstudios.com ; michaelreidy@eircom.net ; mkeane@cllr.westporttc.ie ; mlyons@mayococo.ie ; msp@mayococo.ie ; mstaunton@cllr.westporttc.ie ; ncampbell@museum.ie ; ngibbons08@gmail.com ; pamela.flanagan@hotmail.com ; pphilbin@mayococo.ie ; roseconwaywalsh@eircom.net ; ruairi.kelly@foroige.ie ; sheilaandmichael@gmail.com ; supresidentcbar@gmit.ie ; swall@mayococo.ie ; thelma.birrane@hse.ie ; thomaschambers@eircom.net ; truane1@eircom.net ; westportfrc@eircom.net ; williewalshwestport@eircom.net ; Aidan Corcoran ; Chris O Haolain ; Donal Geraghty ; Fin Keegan ; Grainne Gallagher ; Martin Heneghan ; Mary Kenae ; crcfm@eircom.net ; editor@mayonews.ie ; liamy@midwestradio.ie ; patrina@midwestradio.ie ; splashywater@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:12 PM
Subject: Travel Smarter, Live Better events in Mayo
Please find a poster attached with a list of the 'Travel Smarter, Live Better' events as part of European Mobility week. The events begin on Thursday, 16th and finish with Car free day on Wednesday 22nd of September.
Highlights of the week included 'Back on your bike' training in Castlebar and 'Beauty and the Bike' in Westport.
There will also be Road Safety, Bike skills and bike maintainance workshops in both towns and of course to celebrate Car Free Day both Castlebar and Westport will be holding 'In Town without my Car' events.
Another exciting addition to the week this year will be a Shuttle Bus Service between Castlebar and Westport running from Monday 20th to Friday 24th. The buses will leave Castlebar and Westport bus stops at 7.30 and 8.25am and will drop passengers off at major workplaces in both towns. The buses will then return from the major workplaces at 4.30 and 5.15pm.
This bus service will be free of charge and will also pick up along the route.
For more information on the weeks events and on the shuttle bus service please see www.gomayo.ie or contact Therese Ruane in Castlebar on 086 3483414 or Laura Heneghan in Westport on 087 9745984.
Please help spread the word about the events by passing on this email or by sticking up the poster and if you would like to help out with any event please contact us.
Yours in Smarter Travel,
Laura Heneghan
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