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Friday, August 23, 2013

Fw: Advert

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 7:08 PM
Subject: Advert

P.A. required to assist a gentleman with a physical disability in Newport area. Must possess Fetac Level 5 (or higher) qualification in health care related field. Must be flexible, computer literate and possess excellent communication skills. Please contact Ayshea (087) 7733106 or Liz (087)2058798 for details


Hi Tom,


If you are happy with the wording of the above, I shall run it in the Mayo News, FAS website and if you can get it into your local newsletter as well,  we may just get lucky.

Also, the blog sounds like a great plan. Let me know once it's up and running and I shall circulate the page.



ALS Coordinator N.Galway & Mayo

Irish Wheelchair Association.

The Glebe,








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I.W.A. Limited, trading as Irish Wheelchair Association, is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Registered in Dublin , No. 352483. Registered office: Áras Chúchulainn, Blackheath Drive , Clontarf, Dublin 3. ­ Registered Charity No. CHY5393.

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