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Monday, May 05, 2008

Cllr. Henry Kenny
Straide Road
Co. Mayo
24th August 2006

Attention for Mr Kenny,

I am writing to bring to your attention the unacceptable state of affairs obtaining in one of the areas you purport to represent, namely Ballyvary.
Recently on my way from Dublin I passed through Ballyvary to assess how accessible the town is for the less privileged . In my assessment I tried to pay a visit to the local post office, vet office, chip shop, supermarket and local pub. I noticed to my utter dismay and disgust the absence of any access ramps on the entire street for wheelchair users.
As the elected area representative, I am sure you know that it your primary responsibility to ensure and spearhead development in your area. I am also sure you are aware that it is also in compliance of the Barcelona declaration to provide access to the disabled. So it is now not just a moral and electoral obligation, but a legal one as well.
As one who is bound to represent the people of the whole of County Mayo, I feel that so far, you have failed in your duty to put them on your agenda. I shall be making contact with other representatives and that will include the County Manager, Mr. Des Mahon.
You have totally ignored the plea from the disability groups that you promised in your inaugural speech when you accepted the chain in the Council Chamber last June.

I await a reply

Yours Truly.

Tom Chambers
Disability Campaigner
“The Billy Ranch”
Co. Mayo.

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